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Here are some of our amazing alumni that are taking on the world with character, compassion, and courage. We are so proud of them, and can't wait to see what they will go on to accomplish!


Rosa  Aviles 

Class of 2022
My name is Rosa Aviles and I completed both a Bachelors and Masters in Biomedical Sciences. I will be moving to Waco to start a career in clinical research as a Clinical Research Coordinator. In this role, I will be working collaboratively with the National Institute of Health (NIH) to develop a database that allows us to better understand a myriad of health conditions in the historically underrepresented populations. My goal is to move into biotechnology and to be part of a team that develops better diagnostics for mental health illnesses such as depression and anxiety. While medicine continues to advance, we still do not have the tools to correctly diagnose individuals struggling with any type of mental illness. This becomes problematic when we start throwing drugs at an individual because they were incorrectly diagnosed. Outside of work I love weightlifting, running, enjoying nature and trying new restaurants with friends. Rosies was the best thing to ever happen to me during my 6 years at Texas A&M. I met some of the most amazing women and it was a true safe space for me. I’ll never forget this organization and all the good they brought to my life. I can’t wait to see how Rosies will improve the world. 

Dorian McIntush

Class of 2020
Howdy! My name is Dorian McIntush and I graduated in 2020 with a B.A. in English and a minor in Computer Science. Since graduating I have had the opportunity to serve as an Americorps VISTA at the Austin Public Library now at the Austin Parks and Rec Department. I don’t know for sure what the future holds for me, but I’m excited to see what it brings! 
I was in Riveters (Rosies) all four years of college and it has been one of my favorite experiences. I was able to meet so many amazing women and grow as a person and as a leader. I still consider being president of the organization my sophomore year as one of the highlights of my college experience. 

Leslie Chaffin

Class of 2019
Howdy! My name is Leslie Chaffin, and I graduated in 2019. Since graduating I’ve begun my journey towards earning my Doctorate of Physical Therapy at UIW in San Antonio. I had the opportunity to coordinate events with Kinetic Kids, an organization that provides accessible activities to children with disabilities, and now I want to specialize in either Neuro or Pediatric PT! Next year, I’m taking a leap of faith and completing one of my clinicals in Boston after randomly picking a big city. I believe that courage came from this awesome organization and the women in it!

Tessin Anthraper

Class of 2019
My name is Tessin Anthraper and I’m a founding member of Aggie Riveters (now Texas A&M Rosies). I graduated in 2019 with my Bachelor’s and Master's in Accounting. Currently, I’m working as a (surprise surprise) tax accountant for PricewaterhouseCoopers in Dallas, TX. I’m so thankful for my experience in Rosies for showing me how to be my authentic self, no matter what my environment. The world needs bold, brave, courageous women who advocate for and empower one another. Rosies is a group of women who are just that.

Kayzeen Kepadia

Class of 2019
Howdy! My name is Kayzeen Kepadia and I graduated in 2019. Since graduating I took some time to travel around the world and then moved to Dallas to join Accenture as a consulting analyst. I’ve had a chance to work with aerospace and defense and government clients which has been such a great learning and growing experience. Outside of work, I serve as a mentor for entrepreneurial minority women that are on the journey to launching their own businesses. I truly credit Riveters for allowing me to be unapologetically myself, learn to lean on the strength of the women around me, and understand that feminism looks different for each woman. To this day, some of my closest friends are women I met through this organization. From one Riveter to another, please feel free to reach out to me at any point in time, I’d love to chat and be a resource for each of you in whatever capacity.

Alex McLain

Class of 2019
Howdy! My name is Alex McLain and I graduated Texas A&M with a BS in Psychology in 2019! After graduation, I was accepted into South Texas College of Law in Houston, TX and began working towards my JD degree. I will graduate STCL in 2023, take my bar exam, and then hopefully begin my practice soon after (who knows what that’ll look like??? Lol). I am who I am today because Riveters (now Rosies) encouraged me to be true, brave & bold as hell. This support system helped me to get through my undergrad and continues to be a light in my life & support me through the rest of my adventures.

Hannah Murphy

Class of 2017
Howdy! My name is Hannah Murphy, I graduated in 2018 (we love a super senior moment) with a BS in Molecular & Cell Biology. I’m now a third year PhD student studying Translational Biomedical Science at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry in New York. My research focuses on stress physiology  and inflammation in pregnancy as it impacts childhood outcomes of growth. My years as a Riveter were truly the highlight of my college experience, this organization gave me friends, a support system, and courage to move forward with my career trajectory. I will cherish those memories and look forward to seeing where this group takes all of you!

Audrey Puckett

Class of 2018
My name is Audrey Puckett and I a co-founder of Aggie Riveters (Rosies). I actually made the logo that I love seeing still used today. I graduated in 2018 and pursued a Master’s in Science at ASU in Criminology and Criminal Justice. My research focus is on victimology, specifically victims of sex crimes. My research covers but is not limited to human trafficking, domestic violence, and sex crimes in institutions (e.g. prison, military, schools). The overall goal of my research is to raise awareness of who victims are and to change policy to protect all victims, not just those who fit the ‘ideal image’. I am currently pursuing my Doctorate in Criminology and Criminal Justice at UNLV. Rosies is an amazing organization that helped me connected with like-minded individuals who wanted to better the world around me and empower other women to do the same.

Becky Gates

Class of 2019
Howdy! My name is Becky Gates and I graduated in 2019 with a B.S. in Biology. After participating in TAMU's Public Policy Internship Program, I switched gears and am now part of the University of Washington School of Law's class of 2023. I am beyond grateful for the support system I gained through Rosies, because they kept me (mostly) sane finishing out my last semester of undergrad while simultaneously studying for the LSAT. Rosies helped me learn to be unapologetically myself and gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams.

Lexie Miller

Class of 2017
¡Hola! My name is Alexandria Miller, otherwise known as Lexie. After my study abroad in Spain, I graduated in August 2017 with the passion for traveling to learn about various cultures and landscapes. As a founding member of Aggie Riveters (now Rosies), I am so thankful to have been surrounded by a strong group of encouraging women that supported me in my ambitious pursuits. Since graduating, I have indulged in my passion for photography and videography and have moved to New York to gain additional creative experience. Since living here, I have interned with an NGO where I got to film within the United Nations and all over New York City. Moving forward, I am hoping to combine my creative skillset with my passion for protecting our environment to take part in a program that allows me to travel, learn, and create for the well-being of our planet. Through the mountains, waterfalls, and forests, I have realized that I am an independent and ambitious woman and this is something that I should be proud of. I encourage any woman to embrace that strength within them, and lift other women up around you so that we can create a world where women finally support women, instead of tearing them down.

R o s i e s | T e x a s   A & M   U n i v e r s i t y | F o u n d e d   i n   2016

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